Overview Network Security

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Overview Network Security. File Overview Network Security PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Paper Overview Network Security are Definition of Security, Why do we need security, Who is vulnerable, Common security attacks and their countermeasures, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Minor Detour, Dictionary Attack, Denial of Service, TCP Attacks, Packet Sniffing, Social Problems, Conclusions and Security related URLs. Security is Freedom from risk or danger. A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts suspicious. Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglary or assault: Security was lax at the firm’s smaller plant. Who is vulnerable?, Financial institutions and banks, Internet service providers, Pharmaceutical companies, Government and defense agencies, Contractors to various government agencies, and Multinational corporations. Common security attacks and their countermeasures Finding a way into the network, Exploiting software bugs, buffer overflows, Denial of Service, TCP hijacking, Packet sniffing, and Social problems.

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