
Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Cryptography. File Cryptography PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects.Introduction, Identification, One-way functions, What is Cryptography, History of Cryptography, Modern Times, Complexity Theory, Cryptography and Complexity, Key Idea of Cryptography, Administrivia, Official Description, Lectures Outline, Three Basic Issues in Cryptography, Rigorous Specification of Security, Specification of the Problem, Suppose there is a setup period, High Min Entropy and Passwords, Function and inversions, Computational Models, Discrete Log Problem and Integer Factoring. Cryptography is Traditionally: how to maintain secrecy in communication. History of Cryptography, Very ancient occupation. Many interesting books and sources, especially about the Enigma. Cryptography find ways to specify security requirements of systems. Use the computational infeasibility of problems in order to obtain security. Key Idea of Cryptography, Use the intractability of some problems for the advantage of constructing secure system.

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