Introduction to DBMS

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Introduction to DBMS. File Introduction to DBMS PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Introduction Database Management System(DBMS), An Example Database Management System(DBMS), Characteristics of the Database Approach, Actors on the Scene, Workers behind the Scene, Advantages of Using a DBMS, Implications of the Database Approach, When Not to Use a DBMS and Summary. Database Management System(DBMS): A software package to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a computerized database. DBMS designers and implementers: Design and implement the DBMS software package itself. Tool developers: Design and implement tools that facilitate the use of the DBMS software. Tools include design tools, performance tools, special interfaces,etc. Operators and maintenance personnel: Work on running and maintaining the hardware and software environment for the database system.

Overview Network Security

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Overview Network Security. File Overview Network Security PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Paper Overview Network Security are Definition of Security, Why do we need security, Who is vulnerable, Common security attacks and their countermeasures, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Minor Detour, Dictionary Attack, Denial of Service, TCP Attacks, Packet Sniffing, Social Problems, Conclusions and Security related URLs. Security is Freedom from risk or danger. A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts suspicious. Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglary or assault: Security was lax at the firm’s smaller plant. Who is vulnerable?, Financial institutions and banks, Internet service providers, Pharmaceutical companies, Government and defense agencies, Contractors to various government agencies, and Multinational corporations. Common security attacks and their countermeasures Finding a way into the network, Exploiting software bugs, buffer overflows, Denial of Service, TCP hijacking, Packet sniffing, and Social problems.


Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Cryptography. File Cryptography PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects.Introduction, Identification, One-way functions, What is Cryptography, History of Cryptography, Modern Times, Complexity Theory, Cryptography and Complexity, Key Idea of Cryptography, Administrivia, Official Description, Lectures Outline, Three Basic Issues in Cryptography, Rigorous Specification of Security, Specification of the Problem, Suppose there is a setup period, High Min Entropy and Passwords, Function and inversions, Computational Models, Discrete Log Problem and Integer Factoring. Cryptography is Traditionally: how to maintain secrecy in communication. History of Cryptography, Very ancient occupation. Many interesting books and sources, especially about the Enigma. Cryptography find ways to specify security requirements of systems. Use the computational infeasibility of problems in order to obtain security. Key Idea of Cryptography, Use the intractability of some problems for the advantage of constructing secure system.

Wireless Technology and Convergence.

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Wireless Technology and Convergence. File Wireless Technology and Convergence PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Wireless communications originated with the demonstration by Tesla in 1893, followed by the invention of wireless telegraph by Marconi in 1896. Advances in wireless communications have led to radio, television, mobile telephones, and communication satellites. Development of wireless networks: LAN, MAN, and WAN. Wireless applications span both local area and wide area for: voice-oriented services, and data-oriented services. Wireless Technology and Network Convergence A Brief History, Trends, Licensed and Unlicensed Bands, Duplexing, Multiple Access Techniques, Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), FDMA, Time Division Multiple Access-TDMA, Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (SSMA), CDMA, CDMA Features, Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), Packet Radio, Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols (CSMA), Convergence of Public Network, Circuit-Switching, Rationale for Convergence, VoIP Networks, Softswitches, Media Gateways, Media Servers, Application Servers, Peer-to-Peer Services, VoIP vs Circuit switched, Mobile Services, Evolution from 1G, 2G, 2.5G to 3G, WCDMA, MobileFi, Wi-Fi, Wireless broadband, Sensor Networks and PANs, Evolution of Wireless LAN , and RFID.Global cellular networks are providing very convenient communication infrastructure.Broadband wireless networks are evolving: Wireless LANs are very popular.

Cloud and Cloud Computing

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Cloud and Cloud Computing. File Cloud and Cloud Computing PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Cloud is Demand resources or services over Internet scale and reliability of a data center. Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a serve over the Internet. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure in the “cloud” that supports them. The architecture of cloud computing system. Characteristics of cloud computing are Virtual software, databases, Web servers, operating systems, storage and networking as virtual servers. And On demand, add and subtract processors, memory, network bandwidth, storage. Grid Computing & Cloud Computing. The problems are mostly the same. manage large facilities, define methods by which consumers discover, request and use resources provided by the central facilities, implement the often highly parallel computations that execute on those resources. Virtualization Grid is do not rely on virtualization as much as Clouds do, each individual organization maintain full control of their resources and Cloud is an indispensable ingredient for almost every Cloud.

BrainGate System

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on BrainGate System. File BrainGate System PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Definition BrainGate Neural Interface Device- a ‘brain-computer’ interface that uses internal neural signal sensor and external processors to convert neural signals into an output signal under the users own control. The sensor consists of a tiny chip (smaller than a baby aspirin) with one hundred electrode sensors each thinner than a hair that detect brain cell electrical activity. The electrode translates brain activity and sends the information to the computer in a format it can understand. BrainGate uses a sensor that is implanted onto the motor cortex of the brain. The device analyzes brain signals then interprets and translated them into cursor movements.

Smart Sensors.

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Smart Sensors. File Smart Sensors PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Introduction, IEEE 1451 family, 1451.3 Overview, Objectives of 1451.3, 1451.3 General Model, 1451.3 Terms, Data Types, Smart Transducer Functional Specification, Addresses, Operating States, Data Sets, Messages and Packets, Triggering Methods, TransducerChannel Type Descriptions, Commands, TEDS and Conclusion. The Smart Sensors Low-cost, networked smart sensors are developed for diverse industry’s needs. Interfacing the smart sensors to all of these control networks and supporting the wide variety of protocols require very significant efforts. A universally accepted transducer interface standard, the IEEE P1451 standard, is developed.IEEE 1451 is a family of proposed standards for “A Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators”. Together these standards provide a single generic interface between a transducer and external network,independent of the network protocol in use. A sensor shall measure some physical parameter on demand and return digital data representing that parameter. On the receipt of a trigger the sensor shall start the collection and storing of a data set within the TBIM. A sensor, in the operating state, shall respond to a read command by returning the appropriate data set. The Standard has provided the beginning of a consistent set of tools to address the issue of displaying data in a standardized way. By providing a way for a set of base units to be incorporated into the transducer, the working group has standardized the way that the units are represented in the TEDS. A transducer that is built and calibrated per the standard should be able to plug into any system.

Quantum Computing

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Quantum Computing. File Quantum Computing PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. What is a quantum computer?, A quantum computer is a machine that performs calculations based on the laws of quantum mechanics, which is the behavior of particles at the sub-atomic level. History of Quantum Computing, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics” – Feynman. 1982 – Feynman proposed the idea of creating machines based on the laws of quantum mechanics instead of the laws of classical physics. 1985 – David Deutsch developed the quantum turing machine, showing that quantum circuits are universal. 1994 – Peter Shor came up with a quantum algorithm to factor very large numbers in polynomial time. 1997 – Lov Grover develops a quantum search algorithm with O(?N) complexity. Quantum Gates, Quantum Gates are similar to classical gates, but do not have a degenerate output. i.e. their original input state can be derived from their output state, uniquely. They must be reversible. This means that a deterministic computation can be performed on a quantum computer only if it is reversible. Luckily, it has been shown that any deterministic computation can be made reversible.(Charles Bennet, 1973).

Virtual Reality.

Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on Virtual Reality . File Virtual Reality PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Virtual Environment, A computer generated world with which the user can interact. Interaction can vary from looking around to interactively modifying the world. Definition Virtual Reality is A computer generated,immersive (or wide field),multi-sensory information program which tracks a user in real time. Immersive Virtual Reality is A type of VR in which the user becomes immersed (deeply involved) in a virtual world. it is also a form of VR that uses computer related components. Virtual Reality Applications are Architecture Training, Medicine, Engineering and Design, E-Commerce, Entertainment and Manufacturing. An area in which virtual reality has tremendous potential is in architectural design. Already being created are architectural “walk-throughs” that allow designers and clients to examine homes and office buildings, inside and out, before they’re built. With virtual reality, designers can interactively test a building before construction begins.


Abstract :Here are chapter online PPT Material Presentation on WiMAX. File WiMAX PPT PowerPoints that can be used to Seminar topics and Slide Projects. Wireless PANs (Bluetooth – IEEE 802.15), Wireless LANs (WiFi – IEEE 802.11), Multihop Ad hoc Networks, Wireless MANs (WiMAX-802.16). WiMAX, Goal: Provide high-speed Internet access to home and business subscribers, without wires. Base stations (BS) and subscriber stations (SS), Centralized access control to prevents collisions, Supports applications with different QoS requirements, WiMAX is a subset of IEEE 802.16 standard

Introduction of Nano cars into Robotics

Abstract :Material Science research is now entering a new phase where the structure and properties of materials can be investigated, characterized and controlled at the nanoscale. New and sometimes unexpected material properties appear at the nanoscale, thus bringing new excitement to this research field. In this talk, special emphasis will be given to one-dimensional nanotubes and nanowires because they exhibit unusual physical properties, due to their reduced dimensionality and their enhanced surface/volume ratio. These unusual properties have attracted interest in their potential for applications in novel electronic, optical, magnetic and thermoelectric devices.

Another feature of nanotechnology is that it is the one area of research and development that is truly multidisciplinary. Research at the nanoscale is unified by the need to share knowledge on tools and techniques, as well as information on the physics affecting atomic and molecular interactions in this new realm.

Crypto Watermarking

Abstract : Online content delivery faces massive hurdles in the absence of a secure framework for protecting valuable data. Digital watermarking a technology that can be used for control, media identification, tracing and protecting content owner’s rights provides the solution.This paper presents overview on digital watermarking and a new method that combines image encryption and watermarking technique for safe transmission purpose. This method is based on the combination of public private keys and secret key ciphering, and watermarking. The encryption algorithm with secret key is applied to the image. We encrypt the secret key with an encryption method based on public-private keys. Then, this secret key is embedded in the encrypted image. We apply and show the results of our method to medical images.

Virtual Surgery

Topic : Virtual Surgery

Abstract : Rapid change is under way on sever fronts I medicine and surgery. Advance in computing power have enable continued growth in virtual reality, visualization, and simulation technologies. The ideal learning opportunities afforded by simulated and virtual environments have prompted their exploration as learning modalities for surgical education and training. Ongoing improvements in this technology suggest an important future role for virtual reality and simulation in medicine.

Touchscreen Technology

Topic : Touchscreen Technology

Abstract : A touchscreen is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area. The term generally refers to touching the display of the device with a finger or hand. Touchscreens can also sense other passive objects, such as a stylus. Touchscreen is common in devices such as all-in-one computers, tablet computers, and smartphones. Download Complete Seminar Topic and Paper Presentation from below links.

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